Williams Dental Lab is committed to providing the most effective and precise dental lab work available in the industry. We have incorporated 3D digital printing to help with the digital workflow. Our 3D Printers are VERY accurate. We have found them to be as accurate as any PV impression model or milled model.
Next-level digital dentistry is here. Williams Dental 3D digital printers bring advanced triple-jetting technology to dental models.
We are capable of printing 3D realistic models with true-to-life look and feel for:
3D Digital Printing
- Crown and bridge
- Veneers
- Full mouth cases
- Implant models (with metal analogues)
- Study models
- Diagnostic wax ups
- Orthodontic appliances
- Orthotics, (both fixed and removable)
- Nightguards
The accuracy and reliability of our 3D printing services allow Williams Dental Lab to provide a seamless workflow and even better service to our worldwide digital dentistry clientele.
The accuracy and reliability of our 3D printing services allow Williams Dental Lab to provide a seamless workflow and even better service to our worldwide digital dentistry clientele.
Implant scan bodies

Arturo R. Garcia D.M.D.